Hey Girls Reusable Menstrual Cup (Size Options)

Hey Girls Reusable Menstrual Cup (Size Options)
Buy One Give One Menstrual Cup – for every one you buy, HEY Girls gives one to a woman or girl who may not otherwise be able to buy one.
We stock the HEY Girls mooncup in Small (white) or Large (red) and they come with their very own little storage pouch. Sizing can be a little confusing if you’re new to mooncups. HEY Girls give the following as a guide:
Small (white): age under 25 and not given birth vaginally
Large (red): age over 25 or have given birth vaginally, whatever your age
Reusable Menstrual Cups have gained popularity in recent years. They’re a great way to reduce your toiletries waste compared to monthly disposable period products like tampons or pads. HEY Girls mooncups are 100% medical grade silicone, hypoallergenic and latex, phthalate, BPA and dioxin free – so no nasties.
Eco Credentials
Reusable menstrual cup that will last for years to come.
Recyclable cardboard packaging – we love it when you recycle.