Relax and Unwind Gift Set - FOR HER (LIMITED SPECIAL OFFER) Bambu2-1970-1.jpg
Sold Out

Relax and Unwind Gift Set - FOR HER (LIMITED SPECIAL OFFER)

Clay Facial Masks by Black Cat Soap Purify Clay Mask .jpg

Clay Facial Masks by Black Cat Soap

from £7.99
Eco-Friendly Dry Body Brush – Plastic-Free for Natural Exfoliation Ecojiko-Dry Body-Brush-2 cropped for bambu website_3.png

Eco-Friendly Dry Body Brush – Plastic-Free for Natural Exfoliation

Time Out Gift Set - New Ed Seed and Bean dark chocolate d.png

Time Out Gift Set - New Ed

Kind Candles - Vegan & Eco-friendly Wild Swimmer Kind Candle 2024-02-21.png

Kind Candles - Vegan & Eco-friendly

from £10.00
Winter Magic Kind Candles - Vegan & Eco-friendly Winter Magic K Candles_1.png

Winter Magic Kind Candles - Vegan & Eco-friendly

Sale Price:£9.50 Original Price:£10.00
Time Out Gift Set - Basic 3c. Time Out Basic - Grapefruit soap.JPEG

Time Out Gift Set - Basic

Plastic-Free Travel Essential Gift Set by Bambu - (No Reusable Buds) Bathroom Travel Essential Gift Set eBay 2023_Bamboo Toothbrush JC.JPEG

Plastic-Free Travel Essential Gift Set by Bambu - (No Reusable Buds)

Sale Price:£15.90 Original Price:£21.85
The Star Gazer Kind Candles - Vegan & Eco-friendly Star Dust K Candles_5.jpg
Sold Out

The Star Gazer Kind Candles - Vegan & Eco-friendly

Organic Moisturising Lotions by Black Cat Soap (60ml) Grapefruit and tangerine moisturising cream.jpg

Organic Moisturising Lotions by Black Cat Soap (60ml)

from £9.50
Floral Bouquet Lip Balm by Bambú - 15g Floral Bouquet Balm-1.jpg

Floral Bouquet Lip Balm by Bambú - 15g

Citrus Mint Lip Balm by Bambú - 15g Citrus Balm orange and mint IMG_1096.jpg

Citrus Mint Lip Balm by Bambú - 15g

Simple Switch Bathroom Gift Set - Basic Simple Switch Gift Set - Basic Bathroom_1a.jpeg

Simple Switch Bathroom Gift Set - Basic

Bambú ToothTabs Monthly Refills (~60 tablets) Dentatabs-4.jpg

Bambú ToothTabs Monthly Refills (~60 tablets)

from £2.95
Bambú Toothtabs with Fluoride (with tin) Dentatabs-2.jpg

Bambú Toothtabs with Fluoride (with tin)

Save+Some+Green+Bathroom-9b.png Plastic Free Dental Floss Vegan Bambu Save Some Green

Vegan Floss Minty (30m)

Unscented Balm by Bambú - 15g Bambu2-2191-71_Balms open.jpg

Unscented Balm by Bambú - 15g

Sale Price:£4.95 Original Price:£5.00
Sisal Soap Scrubs (Soap Saver Bag) Save Some Green-32.jpg

Sisal Soap Scrubs (Soap Saver Bag)

Sale Price:£3.99 Original Price:£4.50
Ramie Shower Puff - 100% natural 8CFD8FEB-CFCC-41F0-A440-0FE2DFF64F6F

Ramie Shower Puff - 100% natural

Sale Price:£5.00 Original Price:£5.50
Lather and Smudge Lavender and Rosemary Shampoo Bar 9F5C1C0A-74F5-4AA6-9B44-D2A6CEC20CF4
Sold Out

Lather and Smudge Lavender and Rosemary Shampoo Bar

from £6.00
Bamboo Soap Dish and Rack Save Some Green Bamboo Dish-7.jpg

Bamboo Soap Dish and Rack

from £5.00
EIRA Activated Charcoal and Tea Tree Soap EIRA Soap Activated Charcoal-2.jpg

EIRA Activated Charcoal and Tea Tree Soap

Sale Price:£5.75 Original Price:£6.00
EIRA Avocado and Green Clay Face Cleanser EIRA Soap Avocado and Green Clay-2.jpg
Sold Out

EIRA Avocado and Green Clay Face Cleanser

EIRA Grapefruit and Poppy Seed Soap EIRA Soap Grapefruit and Poppy Seed-2.jpg

EIRA Grapefruit and Poppy Seed Soap

EIRA Lemongrass Soap EIRA Soap Lemongrass-2.jpg

EIRA Lemongrass Soap

EIRA Eucalyptus and Spearmint Soap EIRA Soap Eucalyptus and Spearmint-2.jpg

EIRA Eucalyptus and Spearmint Soap

Super Green Hair Conditioner EIRA Supergreen Conditioner_1.jpeg

Super Green Hair Conditioner

Floral Hair Conditioner - for Normal & Dry Hair EIRA Floral conditioner_2.jpeg

Floral Hair Conditioner - for Normal & Dry Hair

Shampoo Bars - Organic , Natural, Vegan by Black Cat Soap House Camomile Lvender Shampoo bar_1.png

Shampoo Bars - Organic , Natural, Vegan by Black Cat Soap House

Organic Lavender and Rosemary Soap Lavender and Rosemary Soap Naked_ScShot.jpg
Sold Out

Organic Lavender and Rosemary Soap

Organic Nettle & Mint Soap Nettle and mint soap_2.jpeg
Sold Out

Organic Nettle & Mint Soap

Organic Geranium and Palmarosa Soap Organic Geranium and Palmarosa Soap_2.png

Organic Geranium and Palmarosa Soap

Organic Gentle Calendula Soap Gentle Calendula Soap_2.png

Organic Gentle Calendula Soap

Alluminium Soap Travel Tin Alluminium Soap Tin with soap_1.jpeg

Alluminium Soap Travel Tin

Pamper Yourself Gift Set - Floral Pamper Yourself Gift Set_Chocolate.JPEG
Sold Out

Pamper Yourself Gift Set - Floral

Balance Clay Mask Wheesht Balance Clay Pouch.jpeg

Balance Clay Mask

from £5.50
Spirulina and Lemongrass Clay Mask Wheesht Spirulina Clay Pouch.jpeg

Spirulina and Lemongrass Clay Mask

from £5.50
Calm Clay Mask Wheesht calm pouch.jpeg

Calm Clay Mask

from £5.50
Loofah Scrubby Bath Sponge Save Some Green Loofahs and Scrubbies-7.jpg

Loofah Scrubby Bath Sponge

EIRA Relaxing Bath Salts in Glass Bottle EIRA Relaxing Bath Salt_2.jpeg

EIRA Relaxing Bath Salts in Glass Bottle

Sale Price:£9.00 Original Price:£10.00
Konjac Sponges (single) Plastic Free Sponges Bambu Konjac Sponges Save Some Green

Konjac Sponges (single)

from £3.95
Reusable Make up Remover Pads by Ecojiko (x16) Ecojiko Resuable Face pads scrshot.png

Reusable Make up Remover Pads by Ecojiko (x16)

Bamboo Paddle Hair Brush Bamboo Hair Brush Ecojiko _2 2022-03-31 .png

Bamboo Paddle Hair Brush

Bamboo Toothbrush - Medium and Kids Save Some Green-3.jpg

Bamboo Toothbrush - Medium and Kids

from £2.75
Bamboo Toothbrushes by Jungle Culture eco-toothbrushes.jpg

Bamboo Toothbrushes by Jungle Culture

from £2.95
ToothTabs Bambú Starter Kit (14 tablets) Dentatabs-1.jpg

ToothTabs Bambú Starter Kit (14 tablets)

ToothTabs Fluoride Free (~62 tablets) Dentatabs-2.jpg

ToothTabs Fluoride Free (~62 tablets)

The Truthbrush for Kids Sunshine Yellow Kids_2 2021-10-22.png

The Truthbrush for Kids

The Truthbrush – Soft Plant Based Bristles Truthbrush-7.jpg

The Truthbrush – Soft Plant Based Bristles

The Truthbrush – Medium Plant Based Bristles Truthbrush White_Med Alt.jpg

The Truthbrush – Medium Plant Based Bristles

Plastic Free Dental Floss Refill Vegan Bambu Save Some Green Plastic Free Dental Floss Refill Vegan Bambu Save Some Green

Vegan Dental Floss Refill (30m) x2

Reusable Bamboo and Silicon Buds 2AC354F0-FA1A-403A-BA9F-77E83BA21412
Sold Out

Reusable Bamboo and Silicon Buds

Sale Price:£7.50 Original Price:£8.00
Plastic Free Earbuds Bamboo Cotton Buds Save Some Green-1.jpg

Plastic Free Earbuds

from £1.50
Bamboo and Sisal Nail Brush - 100% Plastic-free Bamboo Nail Brush_2.jpg

Bamboo and Sisal Nail Brush - 100% Plastic-free

Safix 100% Coconut Hair Body Scrub Pad Bambu Safix.jpg

Safix 100% Coconut Hair Body Scrub Pad

HEY Girls Sani Pads Daytime (x10) HEY Girls-6.jpg

HEY Girls Sani Pads Daytime (x10)

Hey Girls Reusable Menstrual Cup (Size Options) HEY Girls-3.jpg

Hey Girls Reusable Menstrual Cup (Size Options)

Friendly Lavender and Geranium Shampoo Bar Shampoo Bar Friendly Lavender and Geranium

Friendly Lavender and Geranium Shampoo Bar

Friendly Aloe Vera Soap Bar Bambu Friendly Aloe Vera Soap-17.jpg

Friendly Aloe Vera Soap Bar

Friendly Orange and Lavender Shaving Bar Bambu Friendly Aloe Vera Soap-9.jpg

Friendly Orange and Lavender Shaving Bar

Friendly Lavender and Tea Tree Shampoo Bar

Friendly Lavender and Tea Tree Shampoo Bar

Natural Deodorant Sticks by Earth Conscious Plastic Free deodorant Earth Conscious Lavender and Tea Tree Deodorant Stick bambu

Natural Deodorant Sticks by Earth Conscious

Earth Conscious Pure Unscented Deodorant Stick Earth conscious deodorant pure.jpeg
Sold Out

Earth Conscious Pure Unscented Deodorant Stick

Aqua Oleum Lavender Pure Essential Oil - 10ml Aqua+Oleum+Essential+Oil-2.jpg

Aqua Oleum Lavender Pure Essential Oil - 10ml

Aqua Oleum Eucalyptus Essential Oil - 10ml eucalyptus._1.png
Sold Out

Aqua Oleum Eucalyptus Essential Oil - 10ml

Aqua Oleum Rose Maroc Essential Oil (5%) - 10ml Aqua+Oleum+Essential+Oil-2.jpg

Aqua Oleum Rose Maroc Essential Oil (5%) - 10ml

Aqua Oleum Tea Tree Essential Oil - 10ml

Aqua Oleum Tea Tree Essential Oil - 10ml

Metal Safety Razors by Jungle Culture silver-safety-razor_1024x1024@2x.jpeg

Metal Safety Razors by Jungle Culture

from £21.99
Organic Shaving Soap Bars by Jungle Culture (100g) solid-shaving-soap Mint and Aloe_2048x.jpeg
Sold Out

Organic Shaving Soap Bars by Jungle Culture (100g)

Sale Price:£7.19 Original Price:£8.99
Reusable Makeup Remover Pads by Jungle Culture (x18) JC Make up remover pad_3.png

Reusable Makeup Remover Pads by Jungle Culture (x18)

Sale Price:£14.99 Original Price:£16.99
UpCircle Organic Face Serum with Coffee Oil Upcircle Face Serum bottle_2_small.jpg
Sold Out

UpCircle Organic Face Serum with Coffee Oil

Vegan Shaving Brush (Wood) 3-Shaving-Brush-1-scaled.jpeg
Sold Out

Vegan Shaving Brush (Wood)

Strictly Business Gift Set Strictly Business Gift Set - FOR HER_1.jpg
Sold Out

Strictly Business Gift Set

Anxiety Bio Scents Gift Set Anxiety Gift Set_1.jpeg
Sold Out

Anxiety Bio Scents Gift Set

Reusable Cotton Cloth Wipes (Set of 5) 51734762-B499-476A-9B4A-310E648A72A2

Reusable Cotton Cloth Wipes (Set of 5)
